4S 2021 Conference

“Feminists of Color Science Studies – Building Social Infrastructure through a feminist BIPOC network”


“Navigating the White academy: How women of colour exist, resist and persist in educational institutions

Workshop Presenter: 

Nadia Qureshi, OISE, University of Toronto 

“Feminist STS at the End of the World”

Workshop Presenter: 

Cristina Visperas, University of Southern California 

“Girls, Gadgets, and Gatekeepers: A Case Study for Envisioning Decolonial, Feminist Approaches To STS Projects

Workshop Presenter: 

Isha Bhallamudi, University of California – Irvine 

“We are Both the Settlers and the Colonised: The Messiness of Solidarity and Separation in Technoscientific Fieldwork”

Workshop Presenters: 

Jenna Harb, Australian National  University 

Kristy Anantharajah, Australian National  University